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CALLS FOR PAPERS NINTH ANNUAL WOMEN IN GERMAN CONFERENCE-RETREATOctober 18-21 1984Thompson Island, Boston WHAT DO FEMINIST GERMANISTS WANT (OR NEED)?Thursday evening, Oct. 18What directions should WiG be going in? We would like to receive papers from…

[Cover]femme       Frau             mujer                   woman[image: drawing of woman's face; background text is a banner that runs accross the page diagonally, repeating "a world of women"] A PROJECT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CURRICULUM MATERIALS…

Group photo 1978 conference

Karen Achberger in the foreground and Elke Frederickson in the background at 1978 Women in German Conference. Oxford, Ohio, rustic retreat center of Miami University.

1978ConfPhotos_14 (2).JPG
Kay Goodman on right and Evelyn Beck on left at 1978 Women in German Conference at the Miami University Retreat Center, Oxford, Ohio.

Miriam Frank, foreground, dancing at 1978 Women in German Conference.

Leslie Adelson, left back, Karen Achberger, center right, Joey Horsley far right at 1978 Women in German Conference, at Miami University Retreat Center, Oxford, Ohio.

Charlotte Armster at 1978 Women in German Conference, with her baby girl.

Sara Lennox's hair, Karen Jankowsky, front row, second from the right, Leslie Adelson lower left, Biddy Martin, back left, Tineke Rittmeester, front row, far right, Magda Müller, front row, second from the right,

Oct. 20Dear Pat, Enclosed a $5 check to help finance Rinser's visit. I wish I could contribute more, but I am on a leave of absence without pay this year, so... See [sic] at the MLA Alles Gute Marc Silberman
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